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Routine EEG
EEGs are most often performd to evaluate for the presence or risk of seizures. A routine EEG is usually arranged after a first-time seizure occurs. 
Video Ambulatory EEG
AEEG is a neurodiagnostic test that measures and records the electrical activity in your brain. Unlike a routine EEG, an ambulatory video EEG allows an extended recording in a patient’s home over a 24-72 hour time span. The patient is able to move around in the comfort of their home and is not required to stay in the hospital for the recording.
Inpatient/Outpatient EEG and EMU
Neuralogix offers EEG in conjunction with specific hospital partners. The Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU) is a specialized inpatient unit at a hospital designed to evaluate, diagnose, and treat seizures in patients of all ages.


Confirmation of clinical suspicion of epilepsy


Evaluation of interictal epileptiform activity


Evaluation of response to therapy


Evaluation of nocturnal or sleep-related events


Evaluation of suspected paroxysmal non-epileptic events


Documentation of undiagnosed seizure activity

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